tento produkt nie je urceny na citlive pery o com vas informuje aj varovanie na obale. Obsahuje nejake akoby mentolove vytazky a vlastne samotny mentol vam ma vyhecovat pery, aby nabrali na objeme. Po naneseni budete citit nielen mentolovu aromu ale aj chaldivy ucinok na perach.
Ja som si vybrala priehladny odtien no v ponuke su myslim este dalsie dva.
Ako hlavne minus by som vytycila to, ze lesk musim mat postaveny inak vyteka a mam olepeny cely obal. Vyslovene lepkavy. Neviem teda, ci nemam nejaky kazovy kus.Aplikator je klasicky a nanesiete nim male mnozstvo takze musite aspon 2krat nabrat, aby ste nim pokryli cele pery.
Brand Essence I discovered recently. I chosed this lip gloss. The result?
I think price=quality. No miracles.
This product isn´t intented for sensitive lips you have warning on the package. It consist of some extracts of menthol and it tends your lips and moved into the volume. After application, you will feel just menthol flavor and also cool effect on lips.
I chose clear but I think you will chose also of another two.
As a mainly minus I give you a fact that I have it vertically with top up otherwise it leaks ans I have sticky package. Or have I maybe a defect package? Applicator is classic and then you take only small amout of gloss so you must make it again, again...
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