Je to vlastne krem s bio kalciom a fosfatmi. A mozem povedat, ze pomaha udrziavat sklovinu a zubky v kondicii. Presvedci vas fakt ze som zuby mala vrtane tak pred 4 rokmi? Pouzivam ho dlhsie, takze mozem potvrdit, ze u mna funguje na jendotku s hviezdickou. Nemam teraz po ruke letacik, ale myslim, ze je vyrobeny z kravskeho mlieka, co vsak vobec nespoznate, lebo sa da kupit az v 5 prichutiach, je sice trosku drahsi. Ale za ten pekny usmev to stoji:)A navyse vydrzi celkom dlho.
I must shared with you with one cool thing. It is a cream for teeth.
It is something like toothpaste but we apply it in pea best after washing your teeth in the evening. Then it can work overnight.
This is cream with calcium and organic phospates. And I can say it helps maintain the tooth enamel and teeth in shape. Convince you that I have drilled my teeth for 4 years ago? I use it for longer time, so I can confirme that it works great. I don´t have now the leaflet of this but I think it is made of cow´s milk, but you don´t know it. You can buy it in five flovurs, is a little expensive. But you will have a nice smile:)In addition withstand quite a long time.
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