Aby sme zbytocne nezahalali zacneme prvou recenziou.
Do parady som si zobrala serum reaktivujuce riasy. Zo zaciatku som nim bola nadsena, riasy sa mi skutocne zdali po naneseni riasenky akesi dlhsie mozno aj hrubsie. A v podstate aj bez riasenky. Nie vzdy sa mi vsak podari dobre odlicit riasy a sem tam zostane nejaky zvysok na riasach a preto ked som si aplikovala serum navecer zaniesla som si do nadobky necistoty. No a po case (asi 4 mesiace serum na zaklade znecistenia) zmenilo nielen farbu na sedastu, mam dojem, ze aj hustota riasenky je nejaka ina akoby zrosolovatela. Uz pekne neprilne na mihalnice. Takze pociatocne okuzlenia so zamerom, ze si ju opat kupit vystriedalo, ze asi nie. Nehovoriac o tom ze aplikacia rano, ked je malo casu je dost narocna, kedze serum treba nechat zaschnut. Inak vam riasenka pekne nevykresli riasy, ale ich pozlepuje.
Serum som pouzivala asi 4 mesiace. No po case som samozrejme nedodrziavala aplikaciu rano a vecer.
Pokial si dobre spominam zo zaciatku som mala aj problemy s ocami akoby mi ich toto serum drazdilo. Slzili.
To begin let´s go to first review.
It will be about intensive boost for a renewed lash look from L´oreal. At the biginning I was excited about it. After using mascara it seems that my lashes are really longer and thicker. And in fact even without mascara. Anytime I don´t make up off good and when I applied the serum in the evening I gave some impurities inside the vial. And after some time (about 4 months of contamination serum) the colour was changed to grey.I think that density of the serum was also changing to a jelly, maybe.
Already not very much for your eyelashes. So at first I was amazing of buying this but now I think no. It is problem at the morning you don´t have much time for drying serum. Otherwise mascara don´t make nice lashes,but give it together.
I used this seru for 4 months. But after time, I obviously did not follow application morning and evening.
I remember that I had also problem with my eyes if I used serum. I had tear of some stuff inside serum.
Aku mate skusenost s tymto serom vy??
What is your experiences with this serum?
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